Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
On to other news; I've been working on implementing a php/mysql server at work to communicate with my inventory database. It's been simultaneously interesting and incredibly frustrating. I left my computer locked over the weekend to preserve my work in it's delicate state in hopes of getting started exactly where I left off come Monday morning. Low and behold however, my computer was carelessly power cycled by one of my colleagues. Suffice it to say, last weeks work was either gone completely, or severely corrupted. I spent the better half of this week attempting to fix things, and then finally decided to start again from scratch. Although it was quite infuriating to have felt as though I wasted my time, in the end I was better off for having to redo everything because I have a much better grasp on what all it was I had done to begin with. It's taught me a great deal about server administration and it's been quite inspiring in regard to personal aspirations for creating a website. I'm thinking I might take a class on web design or php/html coding. I could likely get work to pay for it, and might be able to find it taught online, meaning I could take the class during work. It's always infinitely more satisfying to take classes when you're paid to be in them.
Beatriz is going to Tucson this weekend, so I'll have the weekend to myself. I'm thinking I'll try to snag some movies from the share and ship in the netflix so I can vedge out and watch movies. I've been notoriously bad at keeping my netflix for months at a time, so hopefully if I mail them tomorrow I'll get new ones in by this weekend.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
piano awesomeness
Thursday, July 9, 2009
cthulhu and end of week win!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
a dream for a dream
So I've spoken with Mike further about trading my motorcycles for his piano, I'm comfortable with this on so many levels that I feel like I won't have any regrets. The trade is fairly well equivalent in regard to condition, value and spirit. I'm really quite stoked to get her home and be able to zone out thumping away out of tune and out of mind. I'm sad that the prospect of zipping around town on my motorcycle isn't likely, but I think it will be quite inspirational to have a piano available to me again. It's wonderfully out of tune and beautifully ancient. I'm think that I'll leave the tuning/string work to a professional, however the woodwork I can likely handle myself. I think when I get it into the house I'll give it a good sanding, and then choose a dark or cherry stain to bring out the wood grain. Eeeep! I'm excited! Well, Mike seems pretty intent on making the exchange happen this weekend, so hopefully we'll be able to round up enough guys either Friday or Saturday and haul it over. It's a short trip, so hopefully nothing will go wrong in the move.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Well I'm up quite early... I couldn't seem to sleep any longer. I'm too excited about today I'm pretty certain. Also, I really want to get started on my potato salad, bea reminded me that the last time I made it, it was still warm when it came time to eat. So I'd like to at least get the potatoes cooked and chilled. I'm hoping everything goes off without a hitch, or more over that I finish everything with enough time to chill before company arrives so that I can actually enjoy myself. I also hope I haven't done myself in by getting up this early, I have nearly twelve hours to get everything finished before people arrive though, so I'd say in that respect I'll be alright... just hope I don't get tired later.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
lay back and watch the fires pass overhead
we're getting the first good rain of the monsoon season and it's fucking brilliant. My front yard is something of a river, but the air smells of the earth and things are for a moment, beautiful.
I've been feeling somewhat lost lately, caught between the foreboding notion of being an unchangeable constant and the image of who or what I want to be. I can't seem to break the cycles I've been slowly forming in stone beneath me, and every so often I look down and am terrified of how deep the rut has become.
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