Sunday, September 27, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

rest assured

stream of consciousness

America you form twisted knots that wretch violently about what feels to be a diminishing container of fearful blood and jail bar bones loosely containing a caged muscle of inordinate hopefulness.

Your inhabitants die ad nauseum between sinuous oil stained claws that lay in waiting beneath their reptilian hosts to gnaw out in desperate ignorance the noxious breaths of that poisonous fruit passed in lineage with whips stinking of how the devil profits.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009


without a dream of escape all manner of thing wither into a pale dust,
and there is always a wind around the corner
waiting with desperate convictions.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

wherever there is doubt, at best roam only a few paper ghosts

It was at that moment that everything changed.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Axioms; Or, how now brown cow at 25

I realize this won't matter, and nothing never minded when tested.

It's better to pretend; lying is only ever an admission of why it's important to form imaginary friends as a networked force against reality.

I tell people I'm an atheist mostly for their reaction. It's best, however when they ask me to explain, and I tell them what I mean is I don't believe in Christians.

Questions like 'how many angels can you fit on the head of a pin?' assume far too much about the size of said pin.

"I'll forget about this;" and with most, so will their failures.

Great curtains could have hemmed themselves in that moment you
in earnest stopped looking.

With promises form imaginary friends, as though we'll all but form pillars in looking back.

As for where it ends?